Member-only story
An Up-Close Look At Journalistic Rot In Action
While President Trump makes for a convenient scapegoat, traditional press at all levels isn’t dying because of him, or because of the internet; the traditional press is dying because, some time ago, they started to drink the same alluring poisons that they assail politicians and the cartoonishly wealthy for drinking — prioritizing the accumulation of power and wealth above all else. And now, like an unhinged alcoholic, they just drink more and more and lash out at those who tell them they’ve got a problem; and in the ultimate clueless act of self-betrayal, they fight like mad to ensure they’re never given the cure for what ails them: the ability to be held accountable.
Let me be an example
In just a few days, it will be the four year anniversary of the day my local paper, the La Crosse Tribune, turned my life to rubble — destroying my life, reputation, and mental health through a completely bogus story — while the La Crosse community watched me crumble with detached, child-like amusement as if they were watching a lifeless, decrepit highrise succumb to the awesome power of an expertly orchestrated controlled-demolition.
I recently chronicled my four-year struggle to reemerge or perhaps rebuild from the dust and debris and whatever else was left behind of the beautiful life I once had, after all was…